100% Austrian craftsmanship since 1870

Our traditional manufactory in Vienna has decades of experience in the development and production of fruit gums and boiled candies. As a branded goods manufacturer we guarantee compliance with the highest quality standards. Customer satisfaction is our priority and encourages us to improve and further develop our recipes.

Specializing in the production of organic fruit gums and candies allows us to fulfill customer-specific requests even more individually. Isidor Egger, a trained businessman, laid the foundation for the production of  sugar confectionery and chocolate in the Viennese district Nussdorf.

Company history

Viennese tradition in sweets/confectioneary since 1870


The company continues to expand under the name A. EGGER’S SOHN. Even then, the company specialized in the production of confectionery, diet products and pharmaceutical specialties, with great success: In 1907, the traditional company was granted the k. and k. Court title “Imperial and Royal Purveyor to the Court”.

1997 Beginn der Herstellung von Bio Fruchtgummis


The best-known brands from EGGER include the fruit gum classic “Sportgummi” and the cough drops “Hustinetten”, “Rachenputzer” and ” Eibischteig “. An important milestone in the company’s history represents the decision for an innovative diversification towards a new market segment: The development and production of organic confectionery lays the foundation for the BioBon product line.


The “Austrian Candy Wedding” of the traditional Viennese company A. Egger’s Sohn Süsswaren und Naturmittel GmbH, now a model company in the industry, with PEZ International AG based in Traun (near Linz) in Upper Austria lays the foundation for a successful future together. PEZ is thus expanding its confectionery portfolio to include fruit gums, herbal, cough and fruit sweets and is pushing the expansion of its organic range. This extended product range of the PEZ brand family increases the attractiveness of the range for international customers.

die BioBon Produktvielfalt auf pastelligem Hintergrund

Organic quality vegan & classic

Die EGGER branded products are still popular in Austria. When it comes to new  developments, our focus is on the production of organic fruit gums and cooked organic sweets, which delight customers of all ages in fruity-fresh versions or as classic cough drops. For production, we use organic fruit juice and plant concentrates, organic herbal extracts, natural fruit flavours or high-quality fruit flakes and essential oils. The proportion of vegan organic fruit gums is growing steadily.